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The Best Ways To Travel with Your Pet: Tips for Dogs and Cats

by Emmeline Smith 18 Feb 2024 0 Comments

Discover the ultimate guide to pet-friendly travel! Learn expert tips & tricks for ways to travel with dogs and cats.

Travelling with pets can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but it requires careful planning and consideration to ensure their safety, comfort, and well-being throughout the journey.

Whether you have a furry feline or a loyal canine companion, this article will provide you with essential tips and guidelines for travelling with your beloved pet. From pre-travel preparation to on-the-road considerations, let's explore the best ways to travel with your dog or cat.

Ways To Travel With Pets

1. Pre-Travel Preparation

Before embarking on your journey, it's crucial to prepare your pet for travel. Schedule a visit to the veterinarian to ensure your pet is healthy, up-to-date on vaccinations, and fit for travel.

2. Modes of Travel

a) Travelling by Car:

Dog getting excited to travel
  • Secure your pet safely in a well-ventilated crate or carrier, or use a pet seat belt harness.
  • Make sure the carrier or crate is large enough for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  • Take short practice drives to help your pet acclimate to the car and reduce travel anxiety.

b) Travelling by Air

  • Research pet-friendly airlines and their specific policies for pet travel.
  • Book a direct flight whenever possible to minimise stress and layovers.
  • Use an airline-approved pet carrier that complies with the airline's size and safety regulations.

3. Acclimation to Carriers and Crates

Allow your pet to get used to the carrier or crate before the trip. Place treats, toys, and bedding inside to create a positive association. Gradually increase the time your pet spends in the carrier, building up to longer periods to reduce stress during travel.

Cat in cat carrier Whats this all about then?

4. Pet Identification

Ensure your pet wears a collar with an ID tag that includes your contact information. Microchipping is an added layer of security in case your pet becomes separated from you during the journey.

5. Packing Essentials

Pack a travel bag for your pet, including the following:

Dog bowl and lead, toy and chew
  • Food and water: Bring sufficient quantities of your pet's regular food and bottled water to maintain their diet and prevent digestive issues.
  • Feeding dishes and water bowl: Familiar items will help your pet feel more at ease.
  • Medications and medical records: Keep necessary medications and health documents within reach.
  • Leash and harness: Use a secure leash and harness for walks during breaks.

6. Travel Safety

Never leave your pet alone in a parked car, especially during hot or cold weather, as temperatures can become dangerous quickly. If traveling by car, keep the windows closed enough to prevent your pet from escaping but open enough to maintain proper ventilation.

7. Accommodation

If staying overnight, ensure your accommodation is pet-friendly. Research hotels or vacation rentals that welcome pets and check their specific pet policies, additional fees, and nearby pet-friendly amenities.

8. Bathroom and Exercise Breaks

Allow time for bathroom breaks and exercise during road trips. Make frequent stops at rest areas or pet-friendly parks to give your pet a chance to stretch their legs, relieve themselves, and burn off energy. So plan your rest stops!

Dog on a rest break during a long drive

9. Familiarity and Comfort

Bring along your pet's favourite toys, blanket, or bedding to provide a sense of familiarity and comfort during the journey. Familiar scents can help ease anxiety and create a more relaxed environment.

Pet-Friendly Airlines in Australia

Travelling with pets has become increasingly popular, and many airlines in Australia recognise the importance of accommodating furry companions. Pet-friendly airlines offer a convenient and safe way for pet owners to travel with their cats and dogs. Some top pet-friendly airlines in Australia are listed below, its important to check their policies, and the essential guidelines before flying with your pets.

  1. Virgin Australia:
  2. Qantas:
  3. Jetstar:
  4. Tigerair Australia:
  5. Rex (Regional Express):

Dog about to fly with a plane ticket and luggage

Essential Guidelines for Travelling with Pets:

1. Booking in Advance

It's essential to inform the airline that you'll be travelling with a pet as early as possible. Airlines have specific limits on the number of pets allowed per flight, so booking in advance secures a spot for your furry friend.

2. Proper Documentation

Ensure you have all the required documentation for your pet, including health certificates, vaccination records, and any necessary permits, especially if you're travelling interstate or internationally.

3. Acclimation to Carriers and Crates

Allow your pet to get used to the carrier or crate before the trip. Place treats, toys, and bedding inside to create a positive association. Gradually increase the time your pet spends in the carrier, building up to longer periods to reduce stress during travel.

Cat in cat carrier Whats this all about then?

4. Pet Identification

Ensure your pet wears a collar with an ID tag that includes your contact information. Microchipping is an added layer of security in case your pet becomes separated from you during the journey.

Dog in car inside a crate

3. Airline-Approved Pet Carriers

Invest in an airline-approved pet carrier that provides enough space for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Label the carrier with your contact information and your pet's name. Not all carriers can be used for flying.

4. Health and Comfort

Ensure your pet is healthy and fit for travel. Discuss any health concerns with your veterinarian and ask for recommendations to reduce anxiety during the flight.

5. Pet Identification

Always keep your pet properly identified with a collar and tag containing up-to-date contact information. Microchipping provides an additional layer of security.

Carrying Pets in a Backpack in Australia

Carrying pets in backpacks is a popular and pet-friendly way to explore Australia's scenic landscapes. Pet owners can venture on hikes, beach walks, and city strolls with their small dogs, cats, or other tiny pets comfortably secured in specialised pet backpacks. As many places in Australia welcome pets, these backpacks offer a convenient way to keep furry companions close during outdoor adventures. Ensure the backpack is appropriate for your pet's size and features proper ventilation. 

Cat in backpack Backpack cat

Remember to follow local regulations and etiquettes, and never leave your pet unattended inside the backpack, ensuring their safety and well-being throughout the journey. But most importantly, ensure that it won't be too hot to take your pet out in a backpack. Australia has temperatures that are deadly to pets and a backpack will be hotter than the outside temperature. So always ensure your pet doesn't overheat!

Long Distance Travel With Pets Quarantine Requirements

When embarking on long distance travel with pets, it's crucial to be aware of quarantine requirements, as they vary from country to country. Below is a list of some countries that may require or not require quarantine for pets:

Countries That May Require Quarantine

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • United Kingdom
  • Ireland

Countries That May Not require Quarantine

  • European Union (EU) member states
  • United States
  • Canada

Please note that quarantine requirements and regulations are subject to change, so it's crucial to check the latest guidelines from official government sources of the destination country before planning your trip. Additionally, some countries may have different rules for service animals or emotional support animals, so be sure to inquire about specific requirements based on your pet's status if applicable.


Travelling with your dog or cat can be an enriching experience for both of you, but it requires thoughtful planning and attention to your pet's needs. By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for your beloved furry friend. Remember, every pet is unique, so be attentive to their individual requirements and preferences throughout the journey.

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